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12 Dec, 2019
12 Dec, 2019
Established in 1964, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 80 member states, including 54 in Africa (Regional Member Countries). The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and technical support for transformative projects that will significantly reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth. In order to sharply focus the objectives of the Ten Year Strategy (2013 – 2022) and ensure greater developmental impact, five major areas (High 5s), all of which will accelerate our delivery for Africa, have been identified for scaling up, namely; energy, agro-business, industrialization, integration and improving the quality of life for the people of Africa.
Job Description
Job Title: Capacity Development Officer
The Chief Economist/Vice-President for Economic Governance and Knowledge Management (ECVP) is the Bank’s spokesperson on economic matters and the VP for the ‘Economics Governance and Knowledge Management Complex’. The Complex is responsible for (i) providing leadership and visibility for the Bank on economic, finance, financial governance, and socio-economic development issues; and coordinate the generation of analytical works to inform operational policy; (ii) systematically emphasize the critical role of knowledge, experience, lessons learned and their tangible impact on sustainable, inclusive transformation of African economies.
The African Development Institute (ECAD) coordinates and executes Capacity Development (CD) programs in the regional member countries (RMCs) by (i) providing advisory services on capacity building; (ii) identifying and designing tailored capacity development programs and implementing the programs; and (iii) leveraging partnerships and coordinating knowledge dissemination and outreach, with a view to improving policy-making, economic governance and sustainable development in the Regional Member Countries.
The Institute has two divisions, namely Program Development (ECAD.1) and Policy Management (ECAD.2). The strategic objective of the Program Development Division (ECAD.1) is to enhance the knowledge base and programs of African countries in promoting development. Hence the Division undertakes design and implementation of programs and activities to improve general knowledge and build institutional capacity to diversify economies, boost growth and create decent employment. These also include programs to support the Bank’s lending operations, improve the quality of the Bank’s portfolio and ensure that the development impact of Bank-funded projects and programs is realized.
The Capacity Development (CD) Officer, ECAD1, will play an active role in the day-to-day delivery of the Department’s mandate, ensure that high-quality standards are observed, and collaborate with the staff of the Bank’s other departments and outside partners to promote capacity development in Africa.
Duties and responsibilities
Under the supervision and guidance of the Division Manager, Program Development (ECAD1), the Capacity Development officer will:
Selection Criteria