Posted on :
20 Mar, 2018
20 Mar, 2018
The African University College of Communications invites applications from suitable qualified persons for appointment as Vice President (Academic).
Job Description
Job Title: Vice President (Academic)
The Vice President (Academic Affairs), as Chief Academic Officer of the University, has administrative jurisdiction over academic matters and adademic personnel. Major functions of the Vice President (Academic Affairs) include, but not limited to:
• Planning and development of academic goals and curricula
• Directing, coordination and assessing the instructional program
• Recruiting and developing strong faculty and
• Faciliating collaborative working relationships among all campus units
The Vice President (Academic Affairs) reports to the President
Duties and Responsibilities
• Provide educational leadership for Deans and Adademic Heads of Departments
• Ensure compliance with University policies and procedures, National regulations and accreditation requirements
• Work directly with the Deans and Heads of departments in developing and maintaining quality teaching, research and service programs at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels
• Work closely with academic administrators in developing and fostering joint academic programs across centers
• Determine the academic and financial feasibility of continuation of academic programs, in consultation with the Deans
• Look for and develop new programs and courses, (Certificate, diploma etc) that University can offer
• Recommend to the Deans academic appointments of personnel in teaching and research
• Work closely with the Dean of students in the resolution of student complaints requiring Executive intervention
• Serve on University committees as appropriate
• Supervise students evaluation of instructions on semester basis
• Serve as Chairperson of the Academic Board in the adsense of the President
• Undertake other duties to the assigned by the President
Qualification Required & Experience
The successful candidate must:
• Possess a Doctor or Philosophy (Ph.D) degree in any of the following areas: Business Administraiton, Communications, Educational Administration and Educational leadership
• Have considerable number of years of teaching / research experience in a reputable tertiary institution
• Have at least 8 publications in a refereed journal
Location: Accra
How to Apply
Interested applicants should send their resume to: The Registrar African University College of Communications P.O.Box LG 510 Legon Or send a copy to: [email protected]
Closing Date: 30 March, 2018