Posted on :
19 Aug, 2020
19 Aug, 2020
The Council of the Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College of Education announces to the Academic Community and the General Public the existence of vacancies for the following
Job Description
Job Title: College Internal Auditor
Job Summary
• In general, the Internal Auditor will provide an independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the college’s operations.
• He/She will help the college accomplish its objectives by bringing a systmatic disciplind approach to evaluate and improve risk management, control and governance processes
Responsibilities and Duties
The responsibilities and duties of the Internal Auditor include:
• Determining the reliability and adequacy of accounting, financial and operational controls in the college
• Evaluate the procedures of the college to determine whether results are consistent with stated objectives and goals
• Monitoring compliance with established policies, plan and procedures
• Appraising the extent to which assets are accounted for and safeguarded against losses
• Ensuring that reliable records form the basis for the preparation of appropriate financial and other data provided for decision-making
• Drawing the Principal’s attention to deficiencies in the system, instances of duplicated functions, waste or other inefficiencies with recommendations for remedies where necessary
• Carrying out special reviews of accounting and internal and control systems with the view to minimizing weakness
Qualification Required & Experience
• Applicant must hold a good first degree or comparable qualification plus a relevant professional qualification and a Master’s Degree in the relevant area
• Must be a member of a recognized accountancy professional association as well as a member of the institute of internal auditor in a college of Education or comparable grade in a similar institution/organization for at least 4 years
Terms of Appointment
The successful applicant shall hold office for 4 years and may, upon application be eligible for re-appointment for a further term of 4 years only, provided that no part of the second term enters the compulsory retirement age
Location: Agogo, Asante Akyem North
How To Apply For The Job
Interested candidates are requested to submit an application letter with the following:
• Curriculum Vitae
• Reference letters from 2 referees and
• A two-page statement of purpose/personal statement
The Chairman
Search Committee
Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College of Education
Post Office Box 26
Agogo, Asante Akyem North
Or email to:
• Applicants should use the job title as the subject line
Closing Date: 19 August, 2020
Only shortlisted applicants would be contacted.