For nearly 60 years, Christian Children’s Fund of Canada (CCFC) has worked globally to support children and youth who dream of a better world, serving the poor regardless of their faith, cultural, and ethnic background. We deliver our mandate by bringing together diverse people and building partnerships, driven by a common belief: education extends beyond the walls of a classroom and is the most powerful tool children can use to change their world. We focus on breaking barriers preventing access to inclusive, quality education for all, especially girls.
Christian Children’s Fund of Canada, Ghana Country Office;
Christian Children’s Fund of Canada (CCFC), commenced work in Ghana in 1996 in Tamale in the Northern Region. We currently work in 9 districts of Northern and Upper East regions covering a total of 72 communities in partnership with local NGOs.
Our Vision, Mission and Values
- Vision: We dream of a world where every child has a voice and the ability to achieve their full potential.
- Mission: Christian Children’s Fund of Canada creates a future of hope for children, families, and communities by helping them develop the skills and resources to overcome poverty and injustice.
- Values: Across our work, we aim to uphold the values of results, respect, integrity, teamwork and excellence.
- Results: With a global perspective, we take strategic action to positively transform the lives of children, families and communities.
- Respect: We champion the rights, dignity and value of all people. We treat others as we want them to treat us.
- Integrity: We are honest and trustworthy in all our actions. Our actions are consistent with our vision and mission.
- Teamwork: We combine diverse expertise and personal initiative, creating a powerful synergy to accomplish our shared goals.
- Excellence: We continually innovate and challenge ourselves to achieve the highest-quality results.
Job Description
Job Title: Strategic Partner
Christian Children’s Fund of Canada (CCFC) seeks strategic partnership with a local Non-Governmental Organization operating in the Northern and/Upper East Region of Ghana for the implementation of its program in North East Gonja, Saboba, Builsa North and Kasena-Nankana West districts.
Our Intervention Areas:
- Child Sponsorship
- Education
- Health and Nutrition
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene
- Gender equality
- Child Protection, Safeguarding and Participation
Our Pathways of Change
Our global community works alongside children to:
- Support thriving communities. We believe strong communities raise healthy, educated children.
- Advance child rights and protection. We believe education empowers children to know their rights and overcome injustice.
- Promote equality for girls. We believe real progress begins when all children have equal opportunities to learn.
- Partner with children for change. We believe child participation creates active, engaged young citizens.
Objectives of the New Partnership
- Build local capacity and ensure sustainability of Christian Children’s Fund of Canada programs.
- Make use of local content, cultural and traditional practices that will benefit the programing of Christian Children’s Fund of Canada.
- Ensure efficient use of resources by leveraging resources of CCFC and the local partner for the benefit of children and communities.
- Ensure timely, accountable and speedy delivery of program activities to children, families and communities.
- Ensure children are protected in an empowered community
- Promote the rights of vulnerable people (children, girls and women) by ensuring their needs are catered for through participation.
- Ensure efficient and effective management of sponsorship through faire enrolment of children and the use of robust IT innovative technology to achieve sponsor satisfaction.
Responsibilities of the new Partner
- Implement Christian Children’s Fund of Canada program using the program approach aligned to the current strategies and priorities of the organization.
- Manage child sponsorship by transparent and fair criteria for enrolling and sustaining the interest of children in the program.
- Adequate IT systems to manage Bio Data of children and families and maintain confidential records for the purpose of the program.
- Ensuring youth and women participation in all CCFC program activities.
- Accounting for every child in the sponsorship program
- Keeping proper financial records of all funds transferred to the program
- Keeping records of all beneficiaries and accounting for them during audit and M&E verifications.
- Keeping all program assets acquired using CCFC funds safe.
- Protect and ensure vulnerable children and women are safe in the communities.
- Raise funds to support its own activities.
- Provide periodic plans and reports on all interventions
- Involve district/community stakeholders in program planning
- Ensure visibility of program interventions.
Required Skills or Experience
- The partner must be registered as a local Non Governmental Organization with all required registrations with the tax authorities and permission to receive oversee grants.
- The partner has proven track record of working with children and poorer communities on child right and child welfare issues.
- The partner must have been registered and operating for not less than 5 years prior to the publication of this expression of interest.
- The partner must have proven record of work experience in at least two of the Districts being advertised (Builsa North, Kasena-Nankana, Saboba, and North East Gonja districts).
- The partner must have well-functioning administrative set up and systems that include:
- Functioning Board with high governance standards
- Finance/Administrative systems /policies with well experienced team
- Program or Operations policies and systems (including requisite staff and transport)
How To Apply
Applications are invited from qualified Local Non-Governmental Organizations operating and resident in the Northern or Upper East Region until the 25th of January 2020.
Applicants should submit a statement about how they see their organizational vision, mission values, priorities are aligned with CCFC’s and its organizational strategies and attach copies of the following documentation:
- Legal Registration
- Capacity Statement – with information of its key achievements in the past 3-5 years related to Child protection programs/programming, demonstrable contribution to results in terms of Relevance and Quality of Design, Efficiency of Implementation, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability. The Organizations/Partner’s philosophy and approach to working with communities, staff capacity; key children issues worked on and known for; current program reach and donors and so on
- Address and contact details of 2 current or former donor organizations for reference check
- Financial Policy
- Human Resource Policy
- Annual reports including audit reports of last 3 years.
- Child Protection Policy
- Gender Strategy and Policy
- Latest Program Evaluation Reports
How to Apply
Applications must be Marked “APPLICATION FOR CCFC PARTNERSHIP” and submitted to the address below:
Christian Children’s Fund of Canada is a child safe organization and all its partners and stakeholders must behave as such