Posted on :
14 Jan, 2021
14 Jan, 2021
CookClean cookstove and biomass briquette fuel project is one of the low-cost investments to mitigate climate change. CookClean Ghana sells the carbon credits to organisations and individuals who want to reduce your carbon footprint and uses the revenue from the sales to finance the operations to enhance the livelihood of the people at bottom of the pyramid. CookClean’s Programme of Activities with multiple objectives addresses all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and put a smile on children’s faces.
Job Description
Job Title: Social Media Marketing Specialist
We are looking for a dedicated climate change activist on freelance basis to assist us to market our carbon credits generated from our activities to finance our operations. For the expert to understand what we do, the interested person is invited to stay with us in Ghana for a period up to 3 months. We will provide free accommodation and feeding during this period.