Posted on :
31 Mar, 2020
31 Mar, 2020
The Islamic University College, Ghana hereby invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the position of Accountant for the University College.
Job Description
Job Title: Accountant
Without prejudice to any other responsibilities, as may be determined by the President and Management of the University College, the Accountant shall, among other things, be responsible to the Vice President for Business Development for:
• Maintaining the finances of the University College;
• Receiving money due to the University College and making authorized payments on its behalf;
• Preparing consolidated income and expenditure returns at intervals as may be required by the President and Management of the University College; and
• Ensuring that the University College’s financial transactions are accurately and properly recorded and also follow the requirements of law
Qualification Required & Experience
• Applicant must have a minimum of a good first degree in a relevant field plus a professional qualification in Accounting with at least five years working experience.
• A Master’s degree in a relevant field will be an advantage.
• Applicant must demonstrate a high level of integrity, competence and leadership
Location: Accra
How To Apply
Interested persons with the requisite academic qualifications should download the IUCG Employment Application Form from the University website or pick up the Form from the Registry (at IUCG Campus, Adjiringanor, East Legon in Accra). The Application Form (with requisite attachments, including three referees’ reports) must be submitted in (soft copy) to [email protected] or (in hard copy) through the following address: The Registrar Islamic University College, Ghana (IUCG) P.O. Box CT 3221 Accra, Ghana Telephone Numbers: 0202-444499 / 0244-049465
Closing Date: 14 April, 2020