Posted on :
7 Apr, 2020
7 Apr, 2020
The Peki College of Education, Peki is a renowned public Teacher Educational Institution in the Volta Region of Ghana and affiliated to University of Ghana, Legon under the new Teacher Education Reform. The Governing Council of the College invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following senior management position at the college.
Job Description
Job Title: Internal Auditor
The Position / Job Description
The Internal Auditor is the head of the college’s internal Audit Unit and provides independent, objective and consulting services designed to add value and improve the college’s operations
• He/She also provides a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve risk management, control and governance processes of the college
The Internal Auditor shall:
• Ensure the establishment and operation of an efficient and effective internal financial control system
• Vet all proposed expenditures to ensure compliance with laid-down internal control systems and other statutory requirements
• Assess the extent to which assets are accounted for and safeguard losses
• Monitor and ensure that expenditures incurred have been authorised and are within budgetary provisions
• Liaise with the external auditors to ensure that appropriate actions are taken on reported audit findings
• Draw the attention of the Principal and the Finance Officer to deficiencies in the system with recommendation for remedies and
• Discharge any other assignments that the Principal shall deem necessary in consultation with the Chairman of the college council
Qualification Required & Experience
The candidate must have:
• Hold a good first degree and a master’s degree in Accounting or Finance
• Have a professional qualification in the relevant fields and be a member of a relevant professional body, as well as a member of the institute of internal auditors
• Have served as a Deputy Internal Auditor in a college of Education or comparable grade in a similar institution/organistion for at least 4 years
• Have strong intellect, be analytical, critical, result-oriented, innovative and visionary
• Have proven emotional stability and integrity
• Possess strong I.T skills and familiar with financial management framework
• Exhibit a high sense of industry, leadership qualities and organisational skills
• Be able to work under pressure to meet deadlines and
• Be able to complete at least one term of 4 years before attaining the compuslory retirement age of sixty (60).
Location: Peki Avetitle, Volta Region
How To Apply
For the position of the Principal, applicants should attach a two-page vision statement. All applicants should add updated soft and hard copies of curriculum vitae, application letter, names and addresses of three (3) copies of sealed recommendation letters and photocopies of certificates to their letters and addresses it to: [email protected] and post a copy to: The Chairman Search Committee c/o Peki College of Education P.O.Box 14 Peki Avetitle, V/R
Closing Date: 09 April, 2020