Posted on :
3 Feb, 2020
3 Feb, 2020
The Deputy Executive Secretary / Project Officer is to assist in the promotion of efficient and effective administrative support to the Secretary of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana and serve as a protection officer and coordinator for the implementation of the PSGH strategy.
Job Description
Job Title: Deputy Executive Secretary / Project Officer
Reports To: The Executive Secretary
Accountable To: The Strategic Plan Coordinating Committee, and the Standard Executive Committee
Main Duties and Responsibilities
• Facilitate achievement of key deliverables under the PSGH 10-Year Strategic Plan.
• Writing proposals to seek funding for projects
• Support advocacy initiatives to shape policies
• Submit periodic/quarterly reports on the implementation of PSGH strategic plan through the Strategic Plan Co-ordinating Committee and Standard Executive Committee to the Governing Board
• Perform any other function as may be assigned by the Executive Secretary. Strategic Plan Co-ordinating Committee and the Standing Executive Committee
• Assist the Executive Secretary in the efficient administration of the Society, its Headquarters and regional offices.
Communication and Working Relationship
• Establish and maintain effective communication with colleagues visitors and
• Work with administrative staff in a collegiate manner
• Participate in Headquarters Staff Meetings.
Person and People Development
• Develop and maintain continuing personal and professional development to meet the changing demands in the area of pharmacy administration
• Monitor own performance against agreed objectives and standards
• Keep up to date on job related issues as appropriate
• Contribute to the development of the administrative staff
Health & Safety Requirements
• Take care of own safety and that of other colleagues and clients as appropriate
• Work in compliance with Society health and safety requirements
Quality Assurance
• Comply with all society’s Quality Assurance Policy guidelines and work within the prescribed quality standards for the administrative services
Further Information
The post holder must at all times:
• Work in accordance with Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana Code of Professional Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure
Effective leadership skills
• Must also deal with teams coming from various walks of life and fine-tune team performance to achieve organizational goals through various leadership styles
Decision maker
• Make innumerable decisions which will help define the project track and capable of thinking quickly and reacting decisively
• Vision
• Cultivate a dear vision about a project and develop a ‘mission driven” psyche
• Must deliver results on tune and within a budget. but that is not an easy task
• Need to have a dear picture of the direction of the project
• Should have a frame of mind to take care of obstacles that could deter them horn achieving goals
Technical knowledge
• Need to be adept in handling technical tools and have a deep insight into implementation of strategic plan or any similar project
• Understand issues regarding the implementation of strategic plan
• knowledge of the best practices in relation to PSGH and also take strategic initiatives and decisions when required
• Need to be good at team-building
• Focus on me positive aspects of their team members
• Inculcate a cohesive force in team members
Thrive/work under pressure
• Must be calm and have a balanced state of mind and not indulge in negative thoughts
Negotiation skills
• Be a good negotiator as this skill is required in case differences of opinion arise between team members and stakeholders
• Must try to settle such issues without letting the conflict grow and disturb the team’s harmony
• Must be empathetic
• Understand the needs of the project, stakeholders, team issues and the risks involved
• Must be enthusiastic about the work and perfect
• This job description is intended as a guide to the principal duties and responsibilities for the post and should not be considered an exhaustive list is subject to change in law with future development of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana
Qualification Required & Experience
• Degree in Pharmacy, Registered Pharmacist and Member of the PSGH. A Masters Degree in a relevant field and working experience in management and administration will be an advantage
• Experience in pharmacy/health, project management and public relations
• Experience in the development and implementation of Projects and Plans
• Broad knowledge of administrative services
• Broad knowledge of Office Practice
• Broad knowledge of Society’s guidelines relating to personnel confidentiality
• Broad knowledge of Administrative Practice and Procedures
Skills & Abilities
• Computer skills
• Strong word processing and spreadsheet software skills
• Good organizational skill
• Office management skills
• Clear written and verbal communication skills
• Excellent interpersonal Skills.
• Ability to work under pressure
Mental and Physical attributes
• Ability to lead a group effectively
• Ability to work to deadlines.
• Ability to solve complex problems
Personal Attributes
• Smart appearance
• Core values of accountability, integrity and transparency
• Flexible, enthusiastic, self-motivated, committed and courteous
Salary Conditions: Attractive and Negotiable
Location: Accra
How to Apply
Applications with subject heading “EDITOR” should be emailed to: [email protected], with cover letter, CV and copies of relevant certificates and documents
Closing Date: 14 February, 2020
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.