Posted on :
18 Oct, 2010
18 Oct, 2010
The UNDP Civil Society Capacity Development Project was a partnership initiative with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Ghana to implement programmes that promote environmental sustainability, reduce poverty, promote democratic governance, livelihood security and respect for human rights
The overall objective of this evaluation exercise is to generate knowledge from UNDP Ghana’s experience in working with CSOs under the project. The evaluation willalso serve important UN-wide programming purposes including the development of a new United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), which would provide a new entry point in terms of support to CSO activities in Ghana. As a policy advocacy tool, it will advice UNDP and the Government on means and methods through which civil society can be better engaged
This end-of-project evaluation exercise is intended to be forward looking to effectively capture lessons learnt and provide information on the nature, extent and where possible, the impact of the civil society project to the civil society sector and UNDP engagement with CSOs. The emphasis on learning lessons speaks to the issue of understanding what has and what has not worked as a guide for future planning
Evaluation Scope:
The scope of the evaluation is as follows:
The extent to which the project has succeeded om strengthening the capacity of CSOs, as reflected in the UNDAF Outcomes and outpurs
The appropriateness of the projects approach
Financial resources
Duration of Assignment:
The assignments should be executed within a period of two weeks (10 working days)
Required Skills or Experience
Evaluation Team:
Two consultants (preferably one female and one male) both with strong backgrounds in conducting evaluation particularly of development projects; democratic governance; civil society capacity development and programme and project management will be recruited
How To Apply
UNDP Ghana is inviting proposals from interesed qualified consultants based on the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment. Copies of the full TOR can be obtained from the Security Post (Reception) of UNDP Ghana Office located at Ring Road East, near the Ghana Fire Service Headquarters, or on the Website: The Technical and Financial proposals should be separated. The Technical proposal should comprise:
Understanding of the Assignment
Suggested Methodology/Approach (maximum-one page) and
CV of the consultant. The Financial proposal should comprise a Work plan and Budget for the entire assignment
The separated technical and financial proposals should be submitted in hard copy at the Security Post (Reception) of the UNDP Office, marked “Civil Society Capacity Assessment”. The proposals should be addressed to:
Head of Governance Unit
UNDP Ghana
P. O. Box 1423
Attn: Evans Gyampoh
Electronic copies may sent to Clever Nyathi: [email protected] copied to Evnas Gyampoh: [email protected]
Offer valid till: 04 Nov, 2010