If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world’s leading children’s rights organization would like to hear from you.
For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children’s survival, protection and development. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.
Job Description
Job Title: Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Purpose of the Position
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer is accountable for the accomplishment of the stated key end-results by providing professional expertise and assistance in information/data collection, statistics and data analysis, monitoring & evaluation (M&E), preparation of reports, communication and partnership, and in implementing training programmes for national and sub-national data collection, monitoring, evaluation and research capacity building with special attention to the interest, concern and participation of primary stakeholders.
Key Expected Results
- Integrated Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Planning (IMEP) is prepared and in place to provide strategic priority and realistic plan of activities for M&E.
- Timely monitoring and measurement of changes in conditions due to programme or policies in country or region are conducted with the participation of relevant partners and are provided to the Country Office and national partners to facilitate national planning, and assess the impact of the programmes and policies, and report on the progress being made.
- Country Office Performance is systematically monitored and data for key indicators of the Annual Management Plan and management reports are collected, analyzed and made available to management and the Country Management Team, using standard reporting formats and the Country Office’s own monitoring system tracks. An interactive online map of UNICEF Ghana intervention regions, districts and communities is prepared and frequently updated.
- Evaluation is designed and carried out with quality process and products in line with priority and strategy. Evaluation findings, recommendations and reports are used to improve programme performance and are effectively disseminated to the intended audience. Major partners are kept abreast and/or contribute to these exercises as required.
- The monitoring and evaluation capacities of Country Office staff and national partners are strengthened, enabling them to increasingly engage in and lead monitoring and evaluation processes.
- Effective communication and partnerships are achieved in carrying out integrated planning of research, monitoring and evaluation activities within the Country Office and with the Regional office, and with all other stakeholders, including national partners, the UN Country Team and the international community; and the results are shared with all partners to stimulate joint engagement.
Duties & Tasks
- Contribute to provision of technical assistance for the planning and establishing the major research, monitoring and evaluation activities in multi-year and annual IMEPs, which is to be reflected in UNDAF M&E Plans.
- Engage with programme sections to ensure that the IMEP is in place and frequently monitored. Ensure that the IMEP folder is fully updated with all finalized studies, assessments and surveys, and upload the completed reports and their one-pagers on the global database.
- Participate in management studies and support/participate in thematic/strategic evaluations to improve development & organizational effectiveness.
- In close consultation with management and liaison with partners, make a professional contribution to formulation of the IMEPs from a sound results-based programming process and collaborative working relations with partners.
- In a close coordination with partners, ensure that the IMEPs include data collection activities that provide accurate and relevant data on key activities and results, including results for children.
Situation Monitoring and Assessment
Provide technical support to ensure that the Country Office and national partners have timely and accurate measurement of change in conditions in the country or region, including monitoring of socio-economic trends and the country’s wider policy, economic or institutional context, to facilitate planning and to draw conclusions about the impact of programmes or policies.
Duties & Tasks
- Support management of available baseline information on national statistics and key indicators through established databases (e.g., DevInfo) for easy access and use. Prepare country level statistical reports on the status of children’s and women’s human rights issues, and provide a technical support to global reporting obligations including national reports on progress toward the MDGs, toward CRC fulfilment, and toward CEDAW fulfilment.
- Frequently update the GhanaInfo database and the UNICEF Ghana M&E Knowledgebase with current information from various sources, including survey reports and routine data, for easy access and use.
- Keep monitoring the situation of children’s and women’s rights with national partners and keep updated with the information of the quality research that address issues and challenges affecting children and their families.
- Coordinate with the Country Office and partners and provide assistance in their using up-to-date information in, inter alia, Situation Analysis, Common Country Assessment, Early Warning Monitoring Systems, Annual Reviews, Mid-Term Reviews, and Annual Reports or other progress reports.
- Provide technical support to ensure that the CO has information necessary for UNICEF to effectively report on and advocate for children’s rights through the appropriate channels and to enhance partnerships with key players in monitoring collectively progress on child focused international commitments, including MDGs.
Programme Performance Monitoring
Provide technical support to ensure that the Country Office has quality information to assess progress towards expected results established in annual work plans.
Duties & Tasks
- Provide technical support as necessary to identifying and adjusting a set of programme performance indicators, in the context of the multi-year and annual IMEPs, the Annual Management Plan and Annual Work Plans, as outlined in the Programme Policy and Procedures Manual.
- Provide technical support to ensure that monitoring system are in place and that key annual programme indicators are tracked and analysed, and provided regularly to the Country Management Team/ Senior Management Team to guide programme and management decisions.
- Assist in analysis and compilation of data to measure progress and impact of project activities. Create and maintain an interactive online map of UNICEF Ghana programme intervention communities to help monitor programme interventions, and identify converging communities.
- Carry out data collection and analysis from field visits, standardising them across programmes, to feed into to programme performance monitoring.
- Keep tracking of follow-up action based on management decisions resulting from Country Office performance monitoring and evaluation.
- Compile monitoring and evaluation information/data, and make them available to programme/planning sections. Contribute to the preparation of management reports (e.g., relevant sections of the annual reports), drawing on monitoring and analysis of key management indicators.
- Assist in the preparation of reports on systemic issues, good practices or any other analysis or data related to programme implementation and/or evaluation, including programme’s performance, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability.