The Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) is the state organization in Ghana involved with surveillance of the use of nuclear energy in Ghana, it is similar in aim to the Ghana Nuclear Society (GNS), with the difference being that the GNS is a nonprofit organisation, whereas the GAEC is part of the parliament of Ghana. Its primary objectives were set out by the parliament act 588, which involve investigating the use of nuclear energy for Ghana and supporting research and development both in Ghana and abroad.
Job Description
Job Title: Director, Nuclear Power Institute
The Position:
- A Director of an Institute is an Officer appointed by the Commission and charged with the responsibility for directing the administrative, scientific, technical and commercial functions of the Institute.
Duties/Key responsibilities:
- The Director is to work close with the Director-General to implement the Commissions’ policies in the Institute.
- Manage, coordinate and steer all nuclear and related research programmes, projects and activities throughout the nation.
- Help develop expertise in the field of Nuclear Science and related Technologies.
- Initiate new research proposals in accordance with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) approved programme for Ghana and co-ordinate research, scientific, technical and commercial activities in the Institute.
- Enhance the application of Nuclear Science in the field of education and training for socio-economic development of the country.
- Set priority goals of research and other activities within the Institute in line with the Commission’s policy.
- Steer research and technical operations of the institute, including commercialisation of research outputs.
- Develop and implement the appropriate strategies and systems for effective coordination, monitoring and evaluation of research work within the Institute.
- Create and ensure a sound working environment conducive for the publication of research outputs.
- Ensure availability of funds for research purposes in the Institute;and
- Any other job that may be assigned by the Director-General
- The position is for five (5) years but may be renewed for a second term.
Required Skills or Experience
- Must be of a minimum rank of Principal Research Scientist/Principal Scientific Officer/Associate Professor
- Must possess a higher degree (PhD, DSc and D.Phil.) in the relevant area or related fields
How to Apply
- Application forms may be obtained at a fee of GH¢200.00
- A written application together with (9) copies of the completed application forms should be lodged with the Director-General at the address below not later than Friday, June 10,1016.
The Director-General
Ghana Atomic Energy Commission P.O. Box LG 80, Legon Accra.
The application should also include:
- Complete CV of applicant with names and addresses of three referees
- A two (2) page Vision statement in relation to the position
Apply For Director, Radiation Protection Institute Here
Apply For Director, National Nuclear Research Institute Here